Ab Exercises 1
Seated Twist
Abdominal and Obliques Twist:
Hold a plate in front of you and perform short tight twist. Do not over-rotate. This is a common mistake. Your spine does not like excessive rotation. Keep the twists tight and really try to engage the muscles of the abs and obliques on each rep. |
Up Down Core Exercise
Core and Arm Blaster:
This is one of those exercises that doesn't look difficult until you try it. This is an intense core, ab, chest, tricep and shoulder exercise. Perform Up-Downs for one minute on each side and then hold a Plank for 1 minute. Rest 60 seconds and repeat. Perform 3 cycles. |
Bosu Ball Crunches
Abdominal Crunches on Bosu Ball:
Find a comfortable position on the Bosu Ball. Hold a 10-lb plate overhead and crunch upwards towards the ceiling. Do not crunch forward (towards your knees) this may looks more difficult but is actually less effective. |
Twisting Leg Raises
Hanging Twisting Leg Raises:
This is a tough abdominal exercise but very effective. Just holding yourself up and raising your legs is tough enough. When you add a twist it becomes a lot more difficult. Just go until your abs are exhausted. Rest 1 minute between sets. |
Seated Barbell Press
Seated BB Ab Press:
Keep your back straight and press towards the ceiling. Really cood for core strength. This is a good exercise to alternate with planks. |
Ab Scissors
Hanging Ab Scissor Exercise:
Finding the correct bar height may take a few tries. That that's the first obstacle. The second obstacle is actually doing the exercise! Holding yourself up while scissoring the bar is no easy task. Most people do one or two and then give up. |