Base Exercises 1
Some of these exercises involve only one muscle group, some involve 2 or more. They can be done by themselves or combined with other exercises into a fat burning, muscle retaining circuit workouts.
Db High Pulls
Keep the Db close to your body. Your legs will do most of the work in lifting the dumbbell. The idea is to use your legs - this will give you the cardio benefits from this exercise.
Db Jumps Squats
The Db Jump Squats is a great strength building exercise for the thighs but also a great cardio exercise. Always sit back on your heels when landing and push off through your heels also. This places the stress on your thighs and butt and reduces the the stress on the knees.
Db Swings
When doing dumbbell swings make sure you use your legs the majority of the work. Keep your back straight do not bend forward, always keep your head up.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers: A great cardio exercise that uses only body weight. Keep your back parallel to the floor and don't raise your butt in the air. This position will (1) make the exercise more effective and it will also (2) work your core and abs.
Lat Pulldowns: Cable Machine
Cable Lat Pulldowns work not only your back muscles but also your biceps and the back of your shoulders (rear deltoid muscle). Try to Pull with your back muscles instead of your arms.
Overhead Tricep Extension
Isolation Exercise for Triceps:
Keep your upper arms perpendicular to the floor and press the weight straight up towards the ceiling. Don't go too heavy with this exercise as it places a good amount of stress on the elbows (with heavy weight). Go lighter but go for a full range of motion (all the way down and up) and go for the 'burn'. Try doing a set of these and then going to the ground and immediately performing a set of pushups... You might get 1/3 of your normal pushup amount! |
Db Squat Press
The Dumbbell Squat Press is one of the best all-around exercises you can do. I always tell women that if they could only perform one exercise, they should choose this one.
Db Snatch
The Db Snatch uses momentum, from your thighs and lower back, to lift a dumbbell overhead. The more coordinated you become, the more weight you will be able to lift. The idea is to get your legs to do most of the work. Done correctly, even a heavier dumbbell can be lifted easily (always start off with lighter weights until you become experienced with this exercise).
Keep your back straight (don't bend forward) and push with your legs. |