Advanced Exercises 5:
Biceps and Triceps
Biceps and Triceps
BB Cheat Curls with Chains
When Cheating Good:
Cheat curls are an excellent way to build strength and size of the biceps. They should only be attempted by someone who is experienced and has been working out for at least six months. The barbell with the chains is too heavy for Allison to do a strict bicep curl, but if she 'cheats' the barbell up, then she can lower it under control. This is called negative-accentuated training. This places a heavy load on the biceps and is why beginners should not try this. The set is over when you can no longer lower the weight under control. When 'cheating' care must be taken not to injure your back by excessive bending forward or leaning backwards. |
Advanced Bicep Routine:
Underhand Chin-ups + Db Curls (drop set) |
Two Opposite Bicep Exercises:
Chin-ups (underhand) are great for biceps. When you follow them with a drop set of Db curls, it becomes an intense bicep workout. This workout gives the biceps a complete workout because each exercise works the biceps differently: (1) With Chin-ups the forearms are stationary and the upper arms move toward the forearms as the bicep contracts. (2) On the contrary, with Db curls, the upper arms is stationary and the lower arms move towards the upper arms to cause the biceps to contract. |
Barbell Bicep Curl: 21's
Controlled Reps:
Twenty-one's (21's) are designed to make sure you work the entire bicep muscle without cheating. Many times we use momentum to do curls. This means that lower part of the bicep is not getting worked properly. Then we drop the weight down (instead of lowering it slowly). These two things make for an ineffective curl. The 21 Technique eliminates momentum. You perform 7 controlled reps in the lower half, then 7 controlled reps in the upper half of the curl, then you perform 7 full controlled reps. |
Bicep Superset: Underhand Chin-ups + Barbell Curls
(wearing weight vest) |
Very Difficult Superset:
This is an intense bicep superset with Weighted Chin-ups (underhand pullups) and BB Curls. Always start with Chin-ups. Perform as many as you can, then move immediately to Barbell Curls. After a few rounds you will have to take off the weight vest because the chin-ups will become very difficult. Try to perform 3 cycles non-stop. |
Tricep Pressdowns: Negatives
These Will Get You Sore:
One way to really stress muscle is by doing 'negatives'. Your muscles are stronger in the negative phase of an exercise than they are in the positive phase. For example: In the Tricep Press Down this means that you can lower (back to the starting position) more weight than you can press down. In other words, if you can press down 60 pounds, then you can probably lower (return your arms back to the starting position) 80 or 90 pounds. So when you do negatives, someone lifts the weight for you and then you lower it on your own. In this video I am lifting approximately 80 pounds and Jamie is lowering it on her own. Performing negatives is the fastest way to improve the strength of a muscle. Take it slow with these if this is your first time trying negatives. They place a lot of stress on the muscle and, therefore, you can get really sore, and possibly strain your triceps. |
Lying Tricep Extensions: 21's (7-7-7) + Pushups + Negative Pushups
Total Tricep Burnout:
Here is a non-stop combination that will crush your triceps. You will have trouble getting off the floor after the Pushups. The first exercise is Lying Tricep Extensions 21's, followed by Pushups (elbows in, then elbows out), then ending with negative Pushups. I guarantee that you've never worked your triceps like this before. Watch the video a few times to make sure you understand everything before you try this SuperSet. |