"A Diet That Allows You To Eat The Foods You Like"
Lots Of Variety
Nothing Drastic
No more eating salads all day
Easy Meal Prep
The Best Diet...
Is The One You Can Stick To
Is The One You Can Stick To
The key factor in whether an eating plan will work is whether or not you can stick to it! Otherwise it doesn't matter how good the diet is.
What I do is design diets based on the foods you like to eat. The days of eating salad all day are over! The reason why people are so restrictive in their food choices is because many people still don't understand food and how the body processes it. For example people still believe that "Eating fats make you fat!" Nothing could be further from the truth. Meal plans should contain a wide variety of food.
What I do is design diets based on the foods you like to eat. The days of eating salad all day are over! The reason why people are so restrictive in their food choices is because many people still don't understand food and how the body processes it. For example people still believe that "Eating fats make you fat!" Nothing could be further from the truth. Meal plans should contain a wide variety of food.
What I Do
- I take your information, the foods you like and design diets that will help you reach your goal.
- The diets change as you get closer to your goal (this keeps progress continuous).
- When you reach your goal you can just continue using the diets that will maintain your weight where you want it.
- There are 2-3 different diets to choose from at each phase for even more variety.
- There is lots of flexibility with each diet. I give you exact meals that you can follow, but you can switch foods around into combinations that you like better.
- I can also include a fat burning workout program that will help you maintain muscle and get results even faster.
Diet Information
Diet Information
No food is a 'BAD' food if eaten in moderation... But, any food can be 'bad' if you eat to much of it.
For example, Fruit is good for you but if you eat to much then you are taking in too much sugar, regardless of how healthy the rest of your diet is.
A lot of people over the years stayed away from foods like Pizza and chicken wings because they were 'BAD' ..but instead they ate too many carbs that were packed in those low-fat 'healthy' snacks they were buy from the grocery stores.
They would have been better off eating a slice of Pizza because besides the bread (carbs) it has cheese (protein/fat) pepperoni (protein/fat) and maybe mushrooms (vegetable).
The Fats and Protein are slower to digest and keep you satiated (feeling full) longer which means you are not likely to get hungry for a longer period of time. when you eat carbs, your body breaks them down more quickly and you are hungry a lot sooner than you would have been if you had eaten Protein and Fat in your meal.
Chicken Wings are excellent for weight loss/maintenance. They are all Protein and Fats. The worst thing about Chicken Wings may be the grease that they are cooked in. Vegetable , Canola and Soybean Oil are bad (there is no oil in vegetables) because they cause free radicals in the body (which can harm cells), but natural oils such as Lard, Beef Tallow and Olive Oil are good for you.
No food is a 'BAD' food if eaten in moderation... But, any food can be 'bad' if you eat to much of it.
For example, Fruit is good for you but if you eat to much then you are taking in too much sugar, regardless of how healthy the rest of your diet is.
A lot of people over the years stayed away from foods like Pizza and chicken wings because they were 'BAD' ..but instead they ate too many carbs that were packed in those low-fat 'healthy' snacks they were buy from the grocery stores.
They would have been better off eating a slice of Pizza because besides the bread (carbs) it has cheese (protein/fat) pepperoni (protein/fat) and maybe mushrooms (vegetable).
The Fats and Protein are slower to digest and keep you satiated (feeling full) longer which means you are not likely to get hungry for a longer period of time. when you eat carbs, your body breaks them down more quickly and you are hungry a lot sooner than you would have been if you had eaten Protein and Fat in your meal.
Chicken Wings are excellent for weight loss/maintenance. They are all Protein and Fats. The worst thing about Chicken Wings may be the grease that they are cooked in. Vegetable , Canola and Soybean Oil are bad (there is no oil in vegetables) because they cause free radicals in the body (which can harm cells), but natural oils such as Lard, Beef Tallow and Olive Oil are good for you.
When you have a 'bad eating day
When women who are trying to lose/maintain body weight have a 'bad' day of eating (ex. if they eat foods like cake, candy, pizza etc.). They will often get depressed and angry at themselves. The truth is one 'bad' day will not make any difference in the end, even if you eat a lot more than you normally would. In order too gain pound of fat you need to consume approximately 3,500 EXTRA calories on top of your normal food intake for that day! This is fairly impossible to do. You may gain some extra water weight from eating excess carbs but this is not fat! The water weight will be gone in a day or two once you reduce your carb intake back to normal. So never think eating more on one day will really make any sort of difference. If you keep eating like that for a week, then you will gain some weight.
When women who are trying to lose/maintain body weight have a 'bad' day of eating (ex. if they eat foods like cake, candy, pizza etc.). They will often get depressed and angry at themselves. The truth is one 'bad' day will not make any difference in the end, even if you eat a lot more than you normally would. In order too gain pound of fat you need to consume approximately 3,500 EXTRA calories on top of your normal food intake for that day! This is fairly impossible to do. You may gain some extra water weight from eating excess carbs but this is not fat! The water weight will be gone in a day or two once you reduce your carb intake back to normal. So never think eating more on one day will really make any sort of difference. If you keep eating like that for a week, then you will gain some weight.
Not eating enough is something you always want to avoid. To lose body fat you must reduce your calories somewhat, but drastic
drop-offs in calorie intake or not eating for long periods of time will slow your metabolism down which will eventually make it harder to lose.
Quick-fix, ultra low calorie, liquid/shake based diets never work for long, they cause you to lose muscle mass and you will gain the weight you lost faster than you put it on (because of a slower metabolism).
Not eating enough is something you always want to avoid. To lose body fat you must reduce your calories somewhat, but drastic
drop-offs in calorie intake or not eating for long periods of time will slow your metabolism down which will eventually make it harder to lose.
Quick-fix, ultra low calorie, liquid/shake based diets never work for long, they cause you to lose muscle mass and you will gain the weight you lost faster than you put it on (because of a slower metabolism).
Most Important Aspect
The most important thing about a meal plan is that it's healthy. You want a variety of foods and you always want the majority of your foods to be things that you like to eat.
For many years it was taboo to eat Fats. it was believed that Fats made you gain weight. So food makers took out the fat and added carbohydrates to their foods. The result was people gaining weight although they were eating LESS fat.
Thankfully with better understanding about research we now realize that your body needs FATs to lose weight! Even more importantly fat doesn't raise cholesterol or increase your risk of heart disease etc.
When we eat according to what is found naturally in our environment (more Fats & Proteins and less Carbs), it's easier to lose weight and keep it off.
For many years it was taboo to eat Fats. it was believed that Fats made you gain weight. So food makers took out the fat and added carbohydrates to their foods. The result was people gaining weight although they were eating LESS fat.
Thankfully with better understanding about research we now realize that your body needs FATs to lose weight! Even more importantly fat doesn't raise cholesterol or increase your risk of heart disease etc.
When we eat according to what is found naturally in our environment (more Fats & Proteins and less Carbs), it's easier to lose weight and keep it off.