Does Spot Reduction Work?
Terry Stokes
Terry Stokes
Nope! Still Can't Spot Reduce:
Regardless of what some may claim, there is no way to spot reduce. Body fat comes off the same way it went on. There is no way to change this. Therefore, doing 500 crunches a day will not give you a smaller stomach if you are not exercising the rest of your muscles and eating properly. A lot of women tend to focus on particular body parts like their Butt or Waist. They perform entire workout programs designed around these particular muscles. In actuality, the best way to lose body fat is to work your entire body (which will burn more calories) and not just focus on one or two muscle groups. Your goal is to increase the amount of total calories you burn during your workout, this will cause you to lose weight (along with a sensible diet), much faster than focusing on one muscle group. |
Focusing on Individual body parts:
It's okay to focus on certain body parts and do more exercises for them, just make sure you work the rest of your muscles also. If You want a flatter stomach then perform exercises for the larger muscle groups such as the Thighs and Back, because working these larger muscle groups will burn more calories, which will lead to a flatter stomach quicker than doing boatload of crunches. FatLossTrans4Mation is an 8 week step-by-step program that uses these principles to give you the body you want without cardio, while eating the foods you like. |
The Illusion of Spot Reduction:
As your muscle develop and take on more shape you may look at 'before' pics and it may appear that you burned more body fat in certain areas faster. This is just an illusion. Some body parts become defined more quickly when you lose weight. This may prompt someone to think: "I lost more fat in my arms than in my legs." It may look like it, but it's not the case. The body will lose weight the same way you put it on. IMPORTANT: If you do lose weight please do some type of Resistance Training (dumbbells, bodyweight training, gym equipment etc.,), this will help you to keep the muscle you already have. It doesn't have to be an elaborate or complicated workout plan. You just need an all around exercise programs that works your muscles so that when you do lose weight you will have shape to body (from maintaining your existing muscle). Terry Stokes |