Advanced Exercises 2
Advanced Cardio
BB Squats - Medicine Ball Progression - Weighted Vest - Broad Jumps |
Very Difficult But Very Effective Circuit:
This is a very difficult workout. It's done with medicine balls, chains and a weight vest. If you want to burn a lot of calories while maintaining your existing muscle then perform this circuit, nonstop, for 20 minutes. Start out with 12 Barbell Squats with chains, follow by a Medicine Ball progression of four passes up and down the gym floor, all while wearing a Weight Vest with 12 pounds in it (this particular weighted vest has a 20-lb capacity). |
1-1/2 Barbell Squats
(focus on glutes) |
Barbell Squats and Glute Activation:
The lower part of the squat is where the glutes are activated. When you do a regular squat the thighs get most of the work, but if you add a half squat at the bottom, the glutes get more work. Make sure you push through the heels of your feet to further engage the glutes. Squat down as far as you can comfortably on the half squat to get more glute activation. |
Advanced Cardio:
BB Chain Squats + BB Burpees |
Intense Fat Loss Barbell Combo:
This is a great cardio, upper and lower body workout. The performance is pretty straightforward: 10 Barbell Chain Squats followed by 8 Barbell Suicides (burpees). When squatting don't lock your knees at the top of the squat. Always keep a slight bend in your knees. This will keep constant tension on the quads throughout the entire squat, making this workout more difficult, but much more effective. Continue until exhausted. |
Barbell Jump Lunges
Plyometric Glute Workout:
This is a really terrific exercise for your glutes. The deceleration (slowing yourself down from the jump) is where a lot of the benefit will come from this exercise. This deceleration (negative phase) really stresses the glutes. The addition of the barbell adds significantly to the effectiveness of this exercise. Not only does it add weight but it also prevents you from using your arms for momentum to jump. Push through the heel of the forward leg. |
Barbell Squats With Chains
To Failure |
Very Advanced Thigh and Butt Workout 1
This video shows how to train your quads to failure (until you can't perform another rep). This is an intense way to train your thighs. You need a squat rack and safety bars for this exercise. Perform Jump Squats until your legs give out... literally! Set the safety bars to the right height so that you can safely 'fail' at the bottom of your squat. Training the quads to failure, in this manner, is something not too many people are willing to do. |
Quad & Glute Circuit to Failure
Very Advanced Thigh and Butt Workout 2
This takes training to failure a step further by adding more exercises into the circuit. After your BB Jumps Squats to failure you go immediately into Walking Lunges down the floor and back. Then you end with Dumbbell Jumps Squats to failure. This is intense!!! |