Glute Exercises 2
Single Leg Deadlift + Db Lunge Press
This is a great exercise because both glutes are working at the same time throughout the entire sequence. Single leg Deadlifts followed by Dumbbell Lunge Presses.
There is a bit of a learning curve with this combination, so watch the video a few times until you get the hang of it. |
When doing lunges make sure you push through the heel of your lead foot. The wider stance the more effective lunges are for your glutes. Therefore as you become more comfortable with lunges slowly increase the with of your stance. Lunges are a great exercise if you want to build a bigger butt.
Lunge Jumps with Abdominal and Oblique Twist
Jump lunges are excellent for your glutes and when you add a medicine ball twist now bring in the abs and the obliques. Plus the added weight of the medicine ball puts even more low on the glutes. This exercise can be
used as part of a glutes program or as a cardio exercise. |
Transformation Challenge
at home (or gym)
at home (or gym)
Glute SuperSet (treadmill not necessary)
For this one you are going to perform two exercises back-to-back and both exercises are for the same leg/glute.
Incline Dumbbell Lunges on Treadmill
A real and thigh and glute blaster. Holding a dumbbell combined with the incline of the treadmill makes this combination much more difficult. Try to complete for cycles without rest. Your legs will burn like crazy.
Jump Lunges with Medicine Ball
Jumping off a riser with one leg places a lot of stress on that glute muscle. The extra stretch you get from the height of the riser, combined with the eccentric load on each glute as it works to stop your downward momentum, makes for an extraordinarily effective glute workout. If you want a bigger butt, then this exercise will help you develop your glutes muscles. Make sure you push through the of your lead foot, this will cause more glute activation.
Rotation Jumps off Riser
Any time you jump off a riser the glutes have to work hard to stop your downward motion. This is the eccentric phase (lowering phase) of the exercise, which is the most result-producing phase of any exercise. The glutes are responsible for stopping your downward momentum. Since they are working against gravity, this places a lot of stress on the glutes therefore making it an excellent butt exercise. You can use a dumbbell or a medicine ball like in the video.
Lunge 4 Workout
Lunge 4: Walking Lunges with 4 Lunges each step with Jump Squats at the halfway pint of each cycle. So instead of the normal one lunge per step, you do 4 stationary lunges with each step. Focus on pushing through the heel of your foot during your lunges. This will give you more glute activation.