Introduction: Years ago the idea of women building muscle was unheard of. There were only a small number of women who wanted their muscles to stand out. Nowadays, It’s the ‘in thing’ for the average woman to have their arms showing some muscle definition. Whether you want to build a little muscle or a lot of muscle, the process is exactly the same. The process of adding muscle is slow, so their is no such thing as bulking up too fast - like a lot of women claim. What these women really mean is: “When I try to lift heavier weights I eat more food and put on fat” (not muscle). You can add fat fast... but not muscle, therefore never worry about putting on too much muscle too fast... It’s just not going to happen. ...and if you’re a physique or bikini competitor, you can’t put on muscle fast enough!!
Exercise magazines can make it look easy to gain muscle
Let me start out by saying that 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions once or twice a week for each body part is not going to get you the body you want. For years magazines, ‘research’ findings (very questionable research) and trainers have advocated this regimen (3 set of 12 -15 reps) as all that is needle to make significant changes to your body. This is just not true.
Initially 3 sets of 12-15 reps will produce results for someone who is just beginning an exercise program. For women who have been exercising for longer periods (over 1 month), you must increase the volume of 'work' you do. No one has ever made significant changes to their body with this limited number of sets... period!
The name of the game is... INTENSITY!
Intensity Intensity means working hard, busting your butt... leaving it all at the gym! Your form may not be perfect, the weights might be a little heavy ...but if you want to improve you must learn to push yourself past your comfort zone. You have to ask your body questions it has never had to answer before!