Shoulder Exercises
Db Press (negative accentuated)
Slow On The way Down:
When performing dumbbell presses for the shoulders it's important that you lower the dumbbells slowly after pressing them. This lowering is called the 'negative' phase of the movement. You actually gain most of the benefits during this phase any exercise. Unfortunately most people just let the dumbbells fall back down to the starting position, instead of lowering them slowly. Focus on the negative phase of the dumbbell press in each set will be much more effective. |
Shoulder Dumbbell Raises
This video shows how each of the 3 different shoulder raises target the 3 different heads of the deltoid (shoulder).
Front Raises: target the frontal head of the deltoid Lateral Raises: target the medial head of the shoulder Rear Raises: target the posterior head of the deltoid |
Dumbbell Upright Rows + Dumbbell Presses
Target: Medial (side) head of Deltoid
Shoulder Press (targets the entire shoulder). Upright rows (targets the side/medial deltoid). This superset targets the medial head of the deltoid. The Upright Rows exhaust the medial deltoid so when you move on to the Db Presses (which target the entire shoulder) the medial deltoid gets more of the load because it's already exhausted from the preceding set of rows. |
Bent lateral Raises + Db Press
Target: Rear Delts:
Bent Laterals (target the posterior head of the shoulder). Shoulder Press (targets the entire shoulder). Performing the bent laterals first will exhaust the posterior deltoids. When you follow with Db press immediately afterwards, the rear delts which are still fatigued have to work harder than the front and medial deltoid. Therefore the rear delts get the most benefit from the Db Presses |
Rear Delt Rows + Upright Rows + Db Presses
Target Rear Delts:
This tri-set focuses on the rear delts more. The first exercise exhaust the rear shoulders which make them work harder as you perform the next two exercises. This is how you work the entire shoulder but with a focus on one of the three heads (frontal, medial, rear). |
Db lateral Raises and
Stationary Lunges |
Dumbbell Lateral Raises + Lunges:
Here is a combination exercise that works the shoulders along with the glutes. |
Rear Delt Shoulder Row
Rear Delts:
This high-elbow Rear Shoulder Row also works the medial heads of the shoulders because they are responsible for keeping the elbows up. If you were to do this exercise with your elbows lower, then the lats would be doing most of the work. With the high elbows position, the rear shoulders/delts are doing all of the work. |