Triceps Exercises
Try combining the Tricep exercises below with regular Pushups or those from the Advanced Pushup Exercise Section This will give you really intense Tricep workout.
Db Overhead Tricep Extension
Try to keep your upper arms perpendicular to the floor. Use a light enough weight that allows you to get a full range of motion (all the way down and all the way up).
Lying Tricep Dumbbell Extension
Focus on getting a full range of motion. Keep your upper arms stationary, don't allow them to move back and forth. The only part of your arm that should move is your lower arms.
Parallel Cable Tricep Extensions
On this exercise your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Get in a lunge type position and lower your head so that you can perform this movement more easily.
Tricep Drop Set Superset: Db Kickbacks + Pushups
This is a good superset for the triceps. Perform a drop set of Dumbbell Kickbacks, then immediately pump out as many pushups as possible. Rest 60 sec and repeat (perform 4 of these cycles).
Advanced Tricep Pressdowns 21's
This is an intense exercise for your triceps. 21's are designed to completely exhaust the muscle. You perform 7 reps in the bottom half of the movement. Then you perform 7 reps at the top of the movement. Then you perform 7 full reps. Use a lighter weight than you would normally use because these are tough.
Advanced Triceps: OH Cable 21's
Just like in the exercise above. (1) perform 7 reps in the bottom half of the movement. (2) then you perform 7 reps at the top of the movement. (3) Then you perform 7 full reps. And again you will need to use a lighter than normal weight. You can also reverse the order and perform 7 reps in the top half first.